One Month With Hubspot

When I first got into marketing in 2010, Hubspot’s blog was my go-to for research about how to do… anything! From landing pages to web design, they had easy to read articles that helped shape my marketing philosophy. As I gained experience in marketing, their entry-level blog posts weren’t always useful for me; however, their […]
3 Tips for Writing a Successful Email Newsletter

While my favorite kinds of campaigns to create are email drips or workflows, I definitely understand the value of a good newsletter. However, a newsletter has to be just that—good—for your company to derive any value from it. In fact, a poorly executed newsletter can actually harm your company. So, how do you create a successful […]
Thanksgiving Gif

I made this fun rolling pie for a Thanksgiving email sent to Cheshire Academy constituents using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects.
Halloween Gif

I created this creepy little .gif for Cheshire Academy’s Halloween email marketing.